Hainan: Rules for Life

Hainan: Rules for Life

There are many things in China that are hard to be understood and accepted by the westerner. The only thing we can do is watch how the Chinese form their own complete perception of the surrounding reality. Discover gem farms, beautiful butterflies, and many more amazing things that are hiding this Paradise Island.

Теги: Travel, Culture

Unknown Turkey

Unknown Turkey

The infinite track curls between garnet trees, winds at boulders. Getting higher and higher it withdraws in mountains, being lost among juniper and barberry thickets. Here it is – the stony plateau and the caustic smell of sulfur proceeding directly from under the earth.

Теги: Culture, History, Travel

Coevals of Dinosaurs

Coevals of Dinosaurs

Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands. This is place on the Earth that pushed Charles Darwin to definitely form the theory of evolution and theory of an origin of species. On these islands modern scientists observe how live beings develop: what qualities they lose, and what qualities they derive in the course of natural selection.

Теги: History, Flora and fauna

Old Believers of Russia

Old Believers of Russia

Krasnaya Village, Kirov region, 4 am. Everybody is still asleep. However, the old believers are already up for the reunion: ahead there is a long way of 160 km (100 miles) that needs to be walked during the next 4 days.

French Aroma

French Aroma

It is always popular. It is very individual; it combines courage and love of freedom with a gentle romanticism. Many try to copy its style, but no one succeeded. The unique elegance – that's the secret of its success.

Теги: Culture, History, Fashion

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