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Shamans and Shamanism

Films / 24 september 2009

Shamans and Shamanism

When he is in the process of performing a ritual, he can intercept the runaway soul and make it return back to the body. The curing sometimes requires sacrifices but whether to do it or not can only be decided by the shaman himself.

Tags: Religion, Shamans, Health


Japan: Mysteries of the Red Dragon

Films / 24 september 2009

Japan: Mysteries of the Red Dragon

Japan is one of the most compelling and yet closed countries of the world. Many mysteries of Japanese mentality remain veiled for Europeans. In order to acquaint our audience with the ancient Japanese traditions, our expedition travelled to the Shinto temple, where foreigners were not allowed until recent years.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Culture, Philosophy, Japan


The Universe of Goa's Gods

Films / 24 september 2009

The Universe of Goa's Gods

During the past centuries many Europeans came to India to reveal its secrets to the outer world. Some came to see the beautiful nature, others — to get rich due to low prices on silk and gems. Some came to inherit the natural superpowers of a man.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Culture, Philosophy, Downshifting, India


China's Monasteries

Films / 24 september 2009

China's Monasteries

In Chinese literature the theme of “master, meditating in the hidden cavern in the mountains” is very traditional. However, many people think of it as of poetic symbolism, though it is not – those caverns and the masters really exist.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Vinogrodsky, China, Culture, Philosophy


Caucuses' Babylon

Films / 24 september 2009

Caucuses' Babylon

Travelers and researchers are attracted to this region due to its national peculiarities. 29 out of 44 languages of the Caucasus are spoken here. Religious tolerance, enormous diversity of nationalities and incredible nature create here a piece of heaven.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Philosophy, Dagestan, History


Vietnam: the Country of Nine Dragons

Films / 24 september 2009

Vietnam: the Country of Nine Dragons

For a long time Vietnam was a little dragon compared to nearby China. Europeans think that eastern fighting techniques are the keys to power. However, Vietnamese people think differently – this system for them is self-improvement and protection.

Tags: Religion, Philosophy, Martial Arts, Vietnam, Culture, Health


Dao: Secrets of Eternal Youth

Films / 24 september 2009

Dao: Secrets of Eternal Youth

In order to understand and get closer to the source of the Dao’s wisdom you will have to visit the places where this philosophy was born, which is so different from the modern philosophies of contemporary societies.

Tags: Philosophy, Religion, Health, Mantak Chia


Indian Yoga

Films / 24 september 2009

Indian Yoga

Yoga in India is a common practice. It is a way of life which is very different from that in the West. All we know about Yoga is the upper part of the iceberg, just a partial glimpse of a history reflecting several thousand years. People who practice this teaching look differently at life and its trials and tribulations. In order to understand them one has to watch this documentary or be the one practicing this unique tradition.

Tags: Yoga, Philosophy, Health, India, Religion, Travel


Israel: Lullaby of Religions

Films / 24 september 2009

Israel: Lullaby of Religions

Sacred ground for Judaists, Christians and Muslims. Israel’s everyday life is filled with spiritual symbolism. Every step you take here is on holy land. Jesus Christ healed here and Mohammed ascended a stairway of light. Torah here is the Constitution. Israel is Mecca for everyone looking for God.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Israel


March of Samurai

Films / 19 september 2009

March of Samurai

Samurai are the famous military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. The word originated in ancient times and its first meaning was “to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society”. To learn more about samurai, we visit Japanese town Nikko.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Philosophy, Japan


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