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Incredible Reality of Mexico

Films / 8 september 2009

Incredible Reality of Mexico

Welcome to the incredible world of wise whales, real shamans, mysterious butterflies and unknown flying objects. Take a look at the migration of billions of butterflies that arrive at the same exact destination each year. Find out for yourselves how real shamans perform their actions and explain why human lives are sacrificed.

Tags: Travel, UFO, Religion, Shamans, Mexico


In Search of Noah's Ark

Films / 8 january 2009

In Search of Noah's Ark

Many attempted to find Noah’s Ark. Researchers from different countries were reported to find its location basing on ancient legends and contemporary pictures from space satellites on the mountain Ararat (Turkey). Many claim they found it, however none of the evidence could be investigated by independent scientific research.

Tags: History, Science, Religion, Turkey, Armenia, Russia


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